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Valnext uniquely offers an evaluation service responding to the new regulations :

IAS 39: Calculation of an independent Fair value.
MIFID II: Best execution control .
BÂLE III: The most accurate evaluation of bond credit risk and interest rate risk. To know more…

Our Clients

Banks, Fund managers, Insurance companies and Market regulators.

Our Expertise

Determining Fair value: using a straightforward, visual, audit-proof process.


ValNext a été agréée "Jeune entreprise innovante" (JEI) en aout 2008.

En savoir plus...


The most frequently asked questions regarding Fair value and the VALNEXT approach: its unique methododolgy, the broad technical choices it offers.
To know more…

Entreprise Innovante !

VALNEXT a été agréée Jeune entreprise innovante (JEI) en aout 2008.


VALNEXT provides

The company

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